There’s a multitude of productivity techniques out there, each with their own guidelines for daily planners and organizations. But how do you know which one is right for you? From the Pomodoro Technique to GTD and even the Chain Method popularized by Jerry Seinfeld, each…
The holiday season is upon us and it’s time to start making a shopping list (and checking it twice – sorry, we couldn’t resist). Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year’s, holiday parties, offices soirees, and general festivities will have you bringing wrapped packages to the people you… 2.0 takes personal productivity to a whole new level with powerful collaboration tools for families, work teams and entrepreneurs. Here we share some of the best ways to make the most out of 2.0 – an app so versatile you can use it for…
Perhaps one of the most pervasive threats to our every day productivity, meetings can suck away mornings, afternoons, and even entire days. Here are some tried-and-true tips for keeping meetings on track and productive.
Summer is winding down and we’re all “going back” in one way or another. Back to college, back to work, back to the daily grind. With all of the Back To School prep upon us, we started thinking about what it was like to be…
We shared a 99 article on Facebook a while back about the 10 Laws of Productivity. What got us thinking here at was the first bullet – Breaking The Seal Of Hesitation. According to 99U’s research “A bias toward action is the most common…
Congratulations to the winners of our #AnyDoProductivity Tip contest! We got some great material for our upcoming Productivity Playbook (stay tuned) and are pleased to announce the winner of a new Nexus 7. Thank you to everyone who entered. It was a great way to… was founded in 2010 by Omer Perchik, Yoni Lindenfeld & Itay Kahana. Frustrated with his own procrastination and the general complexity of getting things done, Omer was inspired to create a tool that will simplify the way people do things (so they can have…